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  • Writer's pictureBecky Friedenberg

5 Reasons to Take the Trip With Your Family

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

There are so many reasons NOT to go, right? Money, other obligations and time commitments, the overwhelming logistics, unpredictable kids’ behavior… But let me tell you, as a mom of two VERY spirited little girls who will grow up to have strong leadership skills (the nice way of saying strong-willed), and as a mental health counselor, a family vacation is just what you need.

1. Bonding over new experiences

There is nothing like the childlike wonder of seeing/tasting/smelling/feeling/hearing something super cool for the first time. And when siblings experience that “first” together, and look at eachother like “do you see that??” and maybe even hold hands…? It’s incredible. And then, maybe you look at your partner and you both share a meaningful moment silently communicating to each other, “We didn’t totally screw up as parents! They kids actually like each other. It’s going to be okay!” Can you feel the weight lifting off your shoulders and the relief and joy filling up your belly and your heart?

You might be experiencing something totally new to you too, and you get to share in the moment with them. Whether it’s the magic of Cinderella’s Castle or the awe of the Grand Canyon, the newness of it for everyone creates a level playing field. You aren’t mom and dad who know all the things for once. You get to discover something together!

They’re holding hands!!

2. Leaving the “real world” behind

You get to leave behind the hamster wheel of work, school, soccer practice, music

lessons, and packing lunches. The complaints about getting up in the morning to catch the bus or make it to swim team in the summer are put on mute. The laundry and the leaky faucet are problems for another day. For a few days or a couple of weeks, you get to live a different life somewhere new. You can’t fill from an empty cup, right? So escape for some self-care to fill back up. Hit the reset button on the routine.

3. Screen time

Screen. Time. The great equalizer among parents everywhere. You know when my kids didn’t ask me for more screen time? Or any, for that matter? When we were at Disney World. They were living in the moment! Can you believe it? They didn’t ask me for more Robux, they weren’t arguing with a friend on Messenger Kids, they weren’t whining that it wasn’t fair because Lucy got extra screen time yesterday so why can’t Janie have unlimited time today. I know you feel this to your core. Don’t deny it. (Can you tell I’m over summer break?)

4. Priceless memories

We go to Rehoboth Beach, DE every summer, and that’s where our girls had their first ice cream, they bury each other into mermaids, they eat too much fudge from Candy Kitchen, and they ask to do all those things again year after year.

My too-cynical-for-her-nine-years daughter tells me that our spring break Disney trip was the best week of her life! She can’t wait to go back and she even wants to do Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique with her little sister.

Yes, you’re shelling out money for the resort or home rental, the snacks, the plane tickets or gas, but take some time and write a list of your priorities and values. How do you want to spend your precious time with your kids? Rebudget some of those Starbucks and Homegoods runs and invest in memories instead. Or better yet, reach out to the Fairy Godmothers for free help to plan a trip within your budget!

The first walk down to the beach on arrival night is my favorite.

5. Something to look forward to!

It’s no secret that the last few years have been tough on everyone. And we always have our individual ups and downs on top of the collective grief we all experienced. You know what gets me through? Having something to look forward to. A beaming light on the horizon to carry me through the tough times. And even the kinda tough times like when dance recital season collides with deadlines at work and I have NO IDEA what’s for dinner. In those moments, I take a breath and think to myself, “Just three more weeks until vacation!” It’s the best kind of coping mechanism.

Your Bibbidi Bobbidi Bestie,


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