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  • Writer's pictureJillian Vega

Time Spent Outside The Parks

Have you ever headed to Orlando but were not going to the parks? That’s exactly what I did this past weekend. We usually do this once a year with a big group of people. Imagine 5 moms and 14 kids. We are outnumbered for sure. LOL! We started this 3 years ago and it’s become a tradition to all get together once a year and hang out. The first 2 years we hit the parks and did all the things. We quickly realized that the kids just wanted to hang out together and play or talk. So this year we decided to rent a big house and just chill for the weekend. We had our own pool and the kids enjoyed swimming, laughing, and just being kids. The parents enjoyed time to talk and plan more trips for our families. That’s what happens when you get a group of planners in the same room we start planning trips!

This brought me to thinking that I want you to take into consideration some of the outside activities around Disney. You can go to Disney Springs for a day of shopping, eating, and exploring. There is miniature golf for the whole family. Don’t forget the water parks are a great option for a non park day. Whether you go to Orlando to just chill and be with friends or you are looking for activities to do on your off days from the parks there is plenty to do. Take a moment to explore outside of the parks and see what you

Your Bibbidi Bobbidi Bestie,


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