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  • Writer's pictureKayla Schneider

1:1 trips with your older kids (heavy on the bonding, less of the trip)

Hi Friends! 

Who else has a moody teenager? I know I can’t be alone! As my son gets older, the more I have found that he is perfectly content to do his own thing.. Despite mama trying to keep that close bond. Raising teens is not for the weak! 😅 BUT I think I finally found the key to my son’s heart! As I have talked about before, my husband and I try to take one on one trips with the kids as often as we can! While this trip was technically not originally planned to be a 1:1, plans changed, and I was able to pull off the most epic (to us) trip with my son! 

My son was supposed to go on a really fun school trip down to Orlando, unfortunately, things happened and he was no longer able to go! My son was absolutely heartbroken! Queue mama bear mode haha. After a quick talk with my husband, I was immediately booking flights and a super fun week down to Universal Studios Orlando with my son! 

I’m not going to lie, I was super nervous about this trip. As my son gets older, I have found it to be hard to really connect with him like we once were. I was really hoping this trip would be the ticket. And it was! ♥️

While this trip was jam packed with tons of park time and plenty of adventures, it was also full of bonding between the two of us! I truly think that we both needed this trip and this time together. I finally felt that we made a breakthrough with this awkward teen phase and we were able to knock down some of those “whatever”, “oookay”, and other typical teen attitude walls. We spent those days laughing endlessly, asking questions to really get to know each other better, and truly being able to enjoy our time together. 

I am so beyond grateful that plans changed and I was blessed to take this trip with him! Ever since the trip our communication has been more open (he has felt more comfortable with just coming to talk with me about anything and everything), he comes to hang out with me  “just because”, and I have found my new traveling buddy! WINNING!!

So long story, short. Don’t just take 1:1 trips with your kids when they are little. Yes, those memories are precious and will be cherished forever. But so will the ones when they are older! A lot of teens seem to disconnect from their parents and trips like this can be a wonderful way to break through those barriers and build those bonds back with your older kids!

Have you taken 1:1 trips with your teens recently?

Your Bibbidi Bobbidi Bestie!


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