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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Daniels

5 Myths of Using a Travel Agent


I can do the same thing on my own.


YES, YOU CAN, HOWEVER THINK ABOUT A HAIRDRESSER; A CATERER; A TAX ADVISOR; A PHOTOGRAPHER. While most of these services you can do by yourself, they can be time-consuming and have reduced results. We like to think of a travel agent as consulting someone who will make your life (and vacation) easier. And keep in mind, if you go the route of “booking it yourself” with online booking, those sites are still considered travel agencies. So you’re pretty much just hiring an impersonal algorithm to plan your vacation.


I won’t have control over my vacation


OUR SERVICE IS TAILORED TO YOUR VACATION NEEDS/WANTS. Some of our clients are very hands on in the planning and some are hands-off and just want to see the final product for approval. Our goal is that you are comfortable with all aspects of the planning process. This is YOUR trip after all - we are just an amazing resource for your planning needs. 


Using a travel agency is more expensive.


IT ISN’T - IT ACTUALLY OFFERS MORE VALUE, AND COULD EVEN BE CHEAPER. Booking with one of our agents is completely free. Places like Disney pay us to help you - but only after you travel. We become your travel bestie from our first “Hello” to “Welcome Home!”  Also, we receive information directly from our vendors with promotions that are dropping. We keep you updated with this information and even make adjustments to your trip so you are always going to get the most out of your trip for the best price. 


Travel agents only sell packages that get them the best commissions.


OUR FOCUS IS ON BUILDING TRUST AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH OUR CLIENTS. We work with you on a budget you’re comfortable with and all the wish items you’d love to have in your vacation. Everything is personalized to you and your family's needs. We are more concerned that your trip is everything you’re hoping for (and more). Trust is key. 


Travel Agents can only book my hotel. 


THERE ARE A LOT OF TRAVEL RESOURCES AT OUR FINGERTIPS. Travel agents can arrange car service, personalized tours, activities and travel insurance, in addition to all the basic travel services they provide. They are also excellent sources of information.

If you'd like for one of our amazing travel agents to help you plan your next trip, click the link below:

Your Bibbidi Bobbidi Bestie,

-Victoria 💖

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