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  • Michelle Hassler

Road Trippin Ain't Easy

Who doesn’t love a good road trip? I definitely prefer to fly (even better, the train is my number one favorite form of transportation!) but sometimes a road trip can be exciting.  You get to see so many sites, and cities, that you would not typically choose to go to.  If you are driving with young kids, I highly recommend leaving time to get out, explore some of those little known towns, and go sightseeing along the way.  We have driven multiple times 1700+ miles from TX to PA straight through with multiple kids and/or pets, trust me, avoid that at all costs!  When we would finally get to our destination, the kids would be so wound up from sleeping and being cooped up in the car for a day that they’d be running around like crazy, while at the same time we were ready to crash!  Today, I will be talking about how to make the most out of your road trip, not make your time in the car miserable.  

Tip No. 1: Find Things to Occupy the Kids!

Nothing makes a car ride longer than hearing the dreaded “Are we there yet?” or “How much longer until we are there?”  If your kids are like mine, then these questions will start about 5 minutes after you leave your driveway and be asked by at least one child every 5 minutes after that until you reach your destination.  In order to prevent these questions (or at least limit them) and to keep your sanity, make sure you have lots of things to occupy your kids.  What do your kids love to do that won’t get all over the car?  We have a TV in the car and a binder full of movies, however, sometimes they need a little more stimulation other than sitting in front of a TV for 36 hours!   My oldest loves to read, she would be content reading for days on end and still not get bored of it.  My youngest loves to color.  Those water paint books that you just paint the picture with water and then it dries are great to have in the car because you can keep reusing them and don’t have to worry about crayons rolling around and getting melted on everything (we’ve learned that the hard way too).  We have also found magnetic puzzles are great for the car (or plane).  Also, you can stick reusable stickers to the window and they can move them around to make different pictures.  My middle daughter loves games.  A simple game of “I Spy” can keep her occupied for hours.  We have also had luck doing scavenger hunts and keeping track of the license plates we find.

Tip No. 2: Bring Plenty of Snacks and Drinks!

The other dreaded comment I hear is “I’m hungry!” In order to keep those comments to a minimum, always make sure you stock up on snacks and drinks.  Make sure you stay away from anything that is sticky or will melt all over the place (another thing we learned the hard way).

Tip No. 3: Bring a Porta Potty

No matter how often we stop it always seems like one of our daughters has to go to the bathroom when we’re in the middle of nowhere with no rest stop for miles.  Luckily, the older ones have gotten to the point where they are able to hold it more, but we had a potty in the car for a long time after they were potty trained, just for emergencies. 

Tip No. 4: Plan Ahead

We have done several trips where we drive until we’re tired, then find somewhere to stop.  However, in my opinion, it’s better to plan ahead and pick somewhere to stop with activities you might want to do, or a hotel that seems like it would be fun.  If your kids are older let them help pick.  Having little stops to look forward to makes the longer trip seem more manageable. 

Tip No. 5: Be Flexible

No matter how much you plan, something will happen to make your plans change.  Be flexible, don’t stress over the small stuff.  Above all, have fun and enjoy your trip!

What are some tips you can share?

Your Bibbidi Bobbidi Bestie,



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