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  • Writer's pictureJillian Vega

Traveling Europe: Do's and Don'ts

I’m back from an amazing trip with the big girls! I never thought I would be able to experience this with my girls and it was so much fun.

Here are my do’s and don’ts that I learned from the trip.


  • Check the weather and pack accordingly. I was expecting hot weather since it was July/August but it was high 50’s and low 60’s most days. I brought 2 sweaters and 4 leggings/jeans for us. That’s what we wore most days. Thank goodness for a washer in our AirBnB. It wasn’t until the end of our trip that we were able to wear shorts. So all the cute old navy sets with shorts I bought were never used except one on the last day. LOL! Oh well...I'll wear it at home. 😉

  • Look for a hotel or AirBnB close to the city center so you have less commute. There is a lot of traffic everywhere in London and Paris.

  • Utilize the subway system as much as possible. It’s cheaper and faster than taxis or Ubers.

  • Plan your days. It’s always good to have a plan of what you are going to do daily. Especially since we were a big group of 13, we definitely needed to know what we were doing.

  • Book early tours and special experiences because they sell out early. We didn’t get to go to the top of the eiffel tower because it was sold out when we decided to go. But luckily I will have a chance to go in October when I go on a girls trip. 🤩

  • Bring a carry on for each child. I was able to only check my big bag and the girls clothes fit into their carry ons. Buy the rolling suitcases because LJ quickly realized that the rolling backpacks were not very helpful for her kids. The ease of the rolling suitcases made it so that they took care of their stuff while I was able to move my luggage without worrying about theirs.

  • Download citymapper. This helped us move around the cities with ease and gives you a detailed way of getting around whether you choose, train, taxi, or walking.

  • DO VISIT DISNEYLAND PARIS!! What a great experience. It was like a little piece of home in a far away city. I would suggest at least 2 but best 3 days at Disneyland so you can experience all the rides and shows.


  • Don’t overpack. Pack outfits that you can mix and match so you have more room in your luggage for souvenirs. YES!! 😍

  • Don’t overplan. Know your limits and your crowd. We canceled a few things because we were so tired from time changes and other activities. You don’t have to do everything in one visit.

  • No need to change US dollars to pounds or euros. Everywhere we went they took credit cards and it was easy to pay for things.

  • This may not be a don’t because every family is different but I wouldn’t take Elizabeth until she is a bit older. It’s a lot of walking and museums that she wouldn’t be that interested in YET.

My don’t list isn't very long because there was so much we did and enjoyed that I can’t wait to go back. The best thing is that I’ll be returning in October to Paris for a girls trip. Just the besties and no kids. ☺️ So I'll be able to give you my take on the difference with taking kids and not taking kids. We will be visiting Disneyland Paris again and doing some great tours. We also bought tickets to the top of the Eiffel tower. YAY!!

Overall, the trip was spectacular. I bonded with my older girls and we experienced sites we had only seen in movies and pictures. I definitely suggest taking a trip to London, Paris, or anywhere in the world. Exploring these different countries has given me the itch to travel more! SHH...I’m looking into a European cruise for next summer that would take us to Greece, Italy, Spain, and other great cities. 🥳

Don’t forget that we can help you book any of these locations and we are your guide to any questions you have. If you are looking to book a vacation click here to reach out to us!

Until next time...

Your Bibbidi Bobbidi Bestie!


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